HAZRAT SYED ALI MIRA DATA (R.A) was born on 4th August 1426 C.E. (29th Ramazan 879 hijri).HIS name syed ali is given by his parents and grand parents and after being a matyar in battle of mandavgad mira datar has been added in his name . IN the month of Ramzan, HAZRAT SYED ALI MIRA DATA (R.A) was born . His Face was glittering with the Spirtual lightning (noor) His place of birth was Sayyedwada of Ahemdabad KANPUR. He was born as a wali of allah taala.
Syed ali was brought up under Daama Amma, Dadi maa and Dadajan. He took his basic education from Dadajan at Ahemdabad. He was very pious man. He spent most of his time in Ibaadat of Rasoolullah SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam and Studie of Hadees and Sunnah. Whoever brought any difficulty to Syed Ali he used to solve any problem immediately. There was spiritual power in his tongue. What ever he prayed it was accepted very soon.
SYED – is a community who follows in the way of allah . ALI – means name given after hazart maula ali sher – e – khuda. MIRA – means BRAVE ONE . DATAR- means giver , one who gives to its devotee who prays and have faith ,trust syed ali.
Hazrat Syed Ali became famous by the name of Mira Datar, Meera means BRAVE and DATAR means Person who gives. Mira Datar became famous in every nook and corner of the world and people from all over the world irrespective of caste, color and religion till today come to his mazaar and get treated of all Black magic and evil spirits.. .
The martyardom of syed ali mira datar (r.a) is 29 moharram 897 and urs is held. It is with great pleasure that we inform you about URS MUBARAK of Syed Ali Mira Datar, Unava, Unjha, Gujarat...is as follows..
1st Day - 25th Moharam - 30-Nov 2013 - Urs Starts 2nd Day - 26th Moharam - 01-Dec 2013 - Full Day Quran Khaani and Milaad Sharif 3rd Day - 27th Moharam - 02-Dec 2013 - Roshan-e-Chiraaaga in Dargah Sharif. 4th Day - 28th Moharam - 03-Dec 2013 - Flag Hosting Ceremony in Dargah Sharif. 5th Day - 29th Moharam - 04-Dec 2013 - Mefil-e-Sama in Dargah Sharif. 6th Day - 1st Safar - 05-Dec 2013 - Gusl and Sandal 7th Day - 2nd Safar - 06-Dec 2013 - Aiye Qarimaa Khatm in Dargah Shariff - Full Day 8th Day - 3rd Safar - 07-Dec 2013 - Special Fateha and Dua for all Mehmaans and Zaireens 9th Day -4th Safar - 08-Dec 2013 - Niyaaz 10th Day -5th Safar - 09-Dec 2013 - Sandal Shariff for all 11 MAZAR (FAMILY MEMBER ) of Hazrat Syed Ali Mira Datar
You all are cordially invited with Friends and family to Participate in this Holy function and to recieve DIVINE BLESSINGS. Beside this due to importance of moonnight( chandraat) is held in every month in dargah sharif. In chandraat quran khanni, gusl ,chirag and chadder is offered at mazar of syed ali datar.
Loban in done in dargah sharif in morning and in evening (during salami ).This loban is very essential as it burn all the negative energy.
If sawali/devotee do five chandraat(continuesly) all his wishes are fulfilled by syed ali datar(r.a)
If any sawali/devotee wants to come dargah ,but there is blockage in his way to dargah ,our khadim will tie a chilla for him and open the way to dargah.
One who visit dargah sharif , should offer flowers, taj, chadder,,rose water, attar at mazar of SYED ALI MIRA DATAR (R.A).
"Mira Sayed Ali Datar Sakhaawat k Dhani hain,
Jo Taqdeer me Nahin hota vo bhi Khuda se dilaate hain.." "BIGDI BANNANE HAI TO UNNVA CHALE AAO UNNVA WAHI AATE HAI JISE SARKAR BULATE HAI"

How to reach :-
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ADDRESS OF SYED ALI MIRA DATAR (R.A) DARGAH SHARIF. Gaon- Unnva , Station - Unjha , District - Mehsana , State - Gujarat , Country - India. By Road :: From Mumbai daily Bus service is available to Unnava and the bus will drop you right in from of the Dargah Gate (Hussaini Gate). Busses leave from Bombay central and Jogeshwari. By Rail :: Alternately you can go by train Daily Train service is available from Bandra Station at 9 pm. Train Name is Arravali. It will drop you at Unjha station and from there take an Auto to Unnava. By Air :: you have to land at Ahmedabad Airport and take A TOURIST TAXI to Unnava. Sardar Vallabh bhai patel International Airport in Ahmedabad is 80 KM.from the Dargah

There are many guest house in Unnva.Per day charge is 200-250.In village there are many who give houses on rent if stay for 40 days.Rajashtan dharam shala is for hindu jain.Those who cannot afford guest house can get accomodation in dargah and in madrasa/majid also.Khadim help us in getting accomodation.

EVENTS 2013 :-Jan - 13 Jan to 14 Jan Urs Mubarak of Syed Ali Mira Datar (R.A).13 Jan Urs Mubarak of Syed Ali Mira Datar's family ( 13 Scandal mubarak).Feb - 11 Feb or 12 Feb Chandraat mubarak.11 Feb - Idd-e-miladnabi.Mar - 13 Mar or 14 Mar Chandraat mubarak.26 March - Mamusaab urs mubarak.27 March - Raasti maa urs mubarak.28 March - Dadimaa urs mubarak.April - 11 April or 12 April Chandraat mubarak.May - 11 May or 12 May Chandraat mubarak.June - 10 June or 11 June Chandraat mubarak. July - 10 July or 11 July chandraat mubarak.Aug - 8 Aug or 9 Aug Chandraat mubarak.8 Aug or 9 Aug janamdin mubarak of datar.Sep - 7 Sep or 8 Sep Chandraat mubarak.Oct - 6 Oct or 7 Oct Chandraat mubarak.Nov - 5 Nov or 6 Nov Chandraat mubarak.14 Nov or 15 Nov Ziyarat-e-tajiyahussain. Dec - 4 Dec or 5 Dec Chandraat mubarak.
Treatment :- | |
If anybody in the world is victim of black magic or evil spirit should visit unnva shareef for treatment. general problem faced are.........
A) Relationship problems In family especially between husband and wife loose interest in family - argumentation & strange behaviour - not in right sense constant quarrels & fights -
B) Stagnancy in career - blockage of money - result not up to mark or expectations - loosening hold over business results - unexpected problems - sudden decline in business flow .
C) Manifestation of wrong events : failure - ill health - loss of job - other woman in husband's life - unforeseen circumstances - mind & body totally lost - fear - phobias - inner turmoil - tensed family affairs - change in behaviour & attitude.
D) Biological & psychological problems : extreme unrest - unwanted physical tendency arises - mental block - suffocation - restless mind - suicidal tendencies - destructive feelings - loss of will power & positive spirit - flow of energy in wrong direction - pessimistic .
1. Continuous illness. All treatments fail. 2. Constant worries, suicidal tendencies, or a desire to move away from home and family. 3. Continuous illness of any member of the family. 4. Too much weakness associated with obesity and being short tempered. 5. Sterility, without any physical deficiency or without any medical reason. 6. Repeated miscarriages or death of the children. 7. Sudden unnatural deaths in the family. 8. Problems in the construction of house, factory or any other building. 9. Shortness of money, inspite of hard labour. 10. No desire to live. Feels suffocated. Life seems useless. No desire to rise in life. 11. Sudden quarrels between brothers or the members of the family, without any reason. 12. Achievement of objectives seems impossible. 13. Loss in the business of property. 14. Ill-health and under-development of children. 15. Loss of peace due to the fear of enemies and their evil designs. 16. Discord between spouses or the family. 17. Greatest efforts resulting in a failure. 18. Poverty, inspite of hard work.
Khadims of Dargah Shariff follow Ancient procedures for eradicating imperfections prevalent in the body, these imperfections could have been caused by Black Magic, Evil Spells, Bad CuRSE. KHADIM GIVES;
1_TAVEEZ - For protection from evil spirit.it should wear around neck.
2_PAPER TAVEEZ FOR DRINKING - One should mixed this paper taveez in glass of water and then drink it.
3_KADAA - It is round ,made of metal and should be wear around your arms.
4_SMALL HORSES ( MADE OF CLOTH ) - A pair of horses can be taken foe protection of houses and shops. This should be tied up at the entrance of door innerside of houses and shops.It can also be tied in ur vechiles also.
This treatment is also known as ruhani faiz treatment.